Manage Tasks You Have Set
The 'Manage Tasks You Have Set' section is only visible to Task Administrators and can be access from the Main Navigation Menu and going to Members Area > Tasks > Manage Tasks You Have Set
It is very similar in layout to Manage All Tasks, although will only show Tasks that you have assigned, whether they are to yourself or to another user.
- Add Task: Assign a new Task to a single User or Group of Users (See: Assigning a Task).
- Task Filter: Start typing part of a Task's title to instantly filter out titles that contain what you've typed.
- All Tasks: View all Tasks, regardless of who has assigned them.
- Show/Hide Completed Tasks: Toggle switch to display Tasks that have been set to 'Completed'. These are normally hidden by default.
- WCS Help: Will take you to the relevant documentation section in WCS Online Help.
- Show Archived Tasks: Shows any Tasks that have been Archived (See annotation #13). These are normally hidden by default.
- Task Type: Indicates the listed Task's type:
Indicates a General Task to be completed.
Indicates a Task relating to a certain page on your WCS site to be completed (See: Page Tasks)
- Task Title: The title of the Task to be completed. Clicking the title will show the Task's details and allow details of the assigned Task to be amended. (See: Assigning a Task).
- Assignee: The name of the User to whom the Task has been assigned.
- Target Date: The target date that the task should be completed by.
- Completed: Tasks marked as completed will be indicated by a Checked icon
- Edit Task: Amend the Task details. Same functionality as clicking the Task Title in #7.
- Archive Task: The Task will disappear from the default view and will be sent to the Archive. Your archived tasks can be viewed by clicking on the Show Archived Tasks