Audit Log
Within your WCS site, any actions your registered users take are logged and can be audited by Users with Site Admin access.
The Audit Log can be viewed by navigating to:
Settings > Users > User Admin
in the Main Navigation Menu and then clicking the User Audit button .
- Start Date: Select the Start Date for which you'd like to see results from.
- End Date: Select the End Date for which you'd like to see results to.
- Go: Retrieve all entries in the Audit Log between the selected dates.
- Cancel: Exit to the main User Admin Page
- Filter Type: Start typing the User Action Type to filter for (eg. User Logged In, Edited a Page, Added a Task .etc) to view only those Types in the table.
- User*: Displays the Name and Username of the relevant user.
- Type*: Displays the type of action that the User performed.
- Date*: Displays the time and date at which the action was performed.
- View Audit: Click to view more details about the specified Audit entry (See: Audit Entry Details)
*These columns can be reordered by clicking the column heading