The User Admin page is used to create and manage your website's user accounts. 

It can be accessed via the Main Navigation Menu and selecting Settings > Users > User Admin

This page displays a list of all accounts on the site including their full name, username, organisation and user level.

  1. Add User - Add a new user to your WCS site
  2. Export Users - Exports users into an Excel compatible spreadsheet
  3. Help - Link to WCS Online Help
  4. User Documents Downloads - View how many times a document was downloaded and by whom
  5. User Audit - View a customisable timeline of all user activities
  6. View Global Admins - Displays a list of all users listed as 'Global Admins'. Can be exported to Excel format.
  7. Search for a user - A user search that updates instantly as you type. Username, Fullname, Organisation, User Level and Trusts are all searchable fields.
  8. Username - The usernames for all of your site's users. This is the name they will enter in the Login section.
    A mail icon after a username, indicates that this user has not yet confirmed their email address, and their account will not be usable until they have done so.
    A ban icon after a username, indicates that this user is not enabled, and you would need to click the check mark (#14 in above diagram) to enable their account and allow them to log in.
  9. Fullname - The user's full name
  10. Organisation - Displays the organisation that the user belongs to.
  11. User Level - Displays the user's User Level which determines which parts of the site they can access, and which actions they can perform.
  12. Trusts (NHS Only Feature) Displays the NHS Trust that the user belongs to.
  13. Last Login - Displays the time and date of the user's last successful login
  14. Enable User - If a user is inactive, clicking this checkmark will activate their account and allow them log in
  15. Viewed Documents - Displays a list of all documents the user has downloaded and how many times they downloaded them.
  16. Reset Password - Resets a user's password and sends them an email with a link to enter a new one.
  17. Resend activation email - If a user has not received an email to activate their account, you can resend it using this button
  18. Edit User - Edit a user's details (Note however that you cannot change their username)
  19. Delete User - Deletes a user from the site. They will no longer be able to log in.