This is an optional feature and may need to be activated by WJP Software.
If you do not see it on your site and wish to add it, please contact to arrange installation.

The 'Public User Registration' feature allows members of the public to register on your WCS site. If activated, a 'Register' option will appear in the Main Navigation Menu:

  1. Once a user has registered, their account must be activated by a <Site Administrator> before they can successfully log in.
    New user accounts can be enabled in the <User Admin> section, and are easily identified by the tag underneath their Username:

  2. The account can then be activated by clicking the checkmark near the other controls on the right-hand side of their user entry:

    Once activated, a subsequent email will then be sent to the new user containing their login information.

Public users registering through this process will automatically be added to a 'Users' User Group, with limited permissions.