The Forum page is a discussion board that members of your organisation can use to post about a certain topic and other Users can then reply to that post.

The Main Forum Page (shown below) shows a list of Categories, and within these Categories, Discussions relevant to that particular Category can be posted.

  1. Add New Category - Add a new discussion category in which users can post topics for discussion. (See: Adding a Category)
  2. Help - Access online WCS Help.
  3. Forum Search - Search for the title or tags of a particular topic.
  4. Breadcrumbs - This shows your current level within the forum structure.
  5. Search by Type - If you have many different categories you can show only those of a certain type (column #8). Types can be created in the Message Types section. (See: Adding a Message Type)
  6. Title - The title of the forum category. Click to see all posts within that category.
  7. Description - A description of the type of discussions that should go within the specified category.
  8. Discussions - The number of different Discussions that users have posted inside this category. (See: Adding a Discussion)
  9. Type - The Message Type assigned to the specified category. These can be created in the Message Types section. (See: Adding a Message Type)
  10. Edit Category - Click to edit the details of the specified category.
  11. Delete Category - Click to delete the specified category.